
Tuesday AIM Seminar (TAIMS) - Dr. Bryce C. Chackerian & Dr.David S. Peabody

Tuesday, May 12th, 3:00pm - 4:00pm

(Special Covid-19/TAIMS)

Bryce C. Chackerian, PhD

“Vaccine strategies for SARS-CoV-2”

David S. Peabody, PhD

 “Making a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine on an RNA phage-derived platform”

Tuesday AIM Seminar (TAIMS)
Tuesday AIM Seminar (TAIMS)

Tuesday AIM Seminar (TAIMS) - Dr. Diane Lidke & Dr. Michael Mandell

Tuesday, December 17th, 3:00pm - 4:00pm

Presentations by Dr. Diane Lidke and Dr. Michael Mandell 

Tuesday AIM Seminar
Tuesday AIM Seminar

Tuesday AIM Seminar (TAIMS)

Tuesday, December 3rd, 3:00pm - 4:00pm

Presentation by Michael Paffett, PhD; Technical Director at UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center

“Topics in Advanced Light Microscopy: Single Molecule Localization Microscopy”


Tuesday AIM Seminar
Tuesday AIM Seminar

Tuesday AIM Seminar (TAIMS)

Tuesday, November 19th, 3:00pm - 4:00pm

Presentation by Nora Bizzozero, Ph.D. & Dr. Nikolaos Mellios, M.D., Ph.D. 

“Role of circRNAs and RBPs in autophagy and metabolism - implications for neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases”

Tuesday AIM Technical Seminar
Tuesday AIM Technical Seminar

Tuesday AIM Technical Seminar - Jerry Barnhart, Field Applications Scientist at Sony Biotechnology

Tuesday, November 5th, 3:00pm - 4:00pm

Sony ID7000 Spectral Cell Analyzer

Sony’s newest spectral flow cytometer has up to7 lasers and 188 detectors. The ID7000 allows you to expand your panel design options by resolving fluorochromes with high spectral overlap and simplifies operations through guided workflows.  It also saves money and time by allowing you to re-use and share single color control data between experiment and multiple users.




The 9th International Symposium on Autophagy

Sunday, November 3rd, 8:00am to Thursday, November 7th, 5:00pm

Autophagy is one of the most exciting areas in biology. The 1st ISA was organized by Prof. Yoshinori Ohsumi in Okazaki (Japan) in 1997. Like previous ISAs, this symposium will cover a broad range of research topics in autophagy and over 30 prominent invited international speakers will present the latest progress in this exciting and quickly expanding field.

Tara Nylese, Sr. Product Scientist
Tara Nylese, Sr. Product Scientist

Tuesday AIM Technical Seminar- Tara Nylese, Sr. Product Scientist at Thermo Fisher Scientific

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2:00pm - 3:00pm

Cryo-Electron Microscopy for Three-Dimension Protein Structure Determination

Improving your analysis and optimizing your products and workflows are the foundations for developing innovative application. Attend our technical talk to learn how to overcome your analytical challenges with the latest technologies.

TAIMS - Presentations by Dr. Mary Ann Osley and Dr. Mark McCormick
TAIMS - Presentations by Dr. Mary Ann Osley and Dr. Mark McCormick

TAIMS - Presentations by Dr. Mary Ann Osley and Dr. Mark McCormick

Tuesday, October 8th, 2:00pm - 3:00pm

TAIMS - Presentations by Dr. Mary Ann Osley and Dr. Mark McCormick 

2019 bAIMy
2019 bAIMy

AIM 2019 beginning of academic year minisymposium (bAIMy)

Friday, September 6th, 8:00am - 12:00pm

Come and join the AIM Center's 2019 mini-symposium on September 6th, 2019, starting at 9:00am!

The AIM Center is proud to welcome Dr. Anne Simonsen, Keynote speaker, laureate, and King Olav V's Cancer Research Prize winner, as well as Drs. Michael Ragusa and Chris Shoemaker from Dartmouth college, where they'll each be presenting key research in the areas of Autophagy, Inflammation, and Metabolism!

Attendance is free and open to the public!

EMBO meeting on autophagy in Scotland
EMBO meeting on autophagy in Scotland

2019 EMBO autophagy meeting in Scotland

Monday, August 26th, 7:00am to Friday, August 30th, 4:00pm

One of world's most important autophagy gatherings