This book covers the emerging field of membrane atg8ylation in 19 chapters contributed by the world’s best experts.
The Autophagy, Inflammation, Metabolism Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (AIM COBRE) is in the process of building co-operativity within the Southwest Region. We can provide access to laboratory resources through a number of mechanisms to the AIM CoBRE Core (Cores | Autophagy, Inflammation and Metabolism Center of Biomedical Research Excellence) which include high content analysis and imaging along with cellular metabolic assays.
Stay tuned for more information!
The AIM Center is in the process of forming a Council of International Rising Stars (COIRS) for junior investigator, comprised of promising junior investigators in the scientific areas of Autophagy, Inflammation and Metabolism. The intent is to engage international rising stars in AIM Center activities and provide networking for international talent at the level of Assistant Professor or Junior Group Leader! Please stay tuned for more information!
Please send nominations or self-nominations to for consideration.
This book covers the emerging field of membrane atg8ylation in 19 chapters contributed by the world’s best experts.